The painters are done (kinda). The house really looks like us now. Both Chip and I are pleased. We need to finish hanging art and finish the kitchen. (Leak through ceiling -- need a new ceiling in the kitchen...buyer beware). We'd love to get new countertops and backsplash in the kitchen....we'll see how our finances are.... ;)
Bradford was here last week and it was absolutely heaven! We had so much fun together -- just one on one. We rode scooters, went to the beach, went to Yale, the Thimble Islands, Harvard and threw in a cruise on the sound and lunch at the yacht club courtesy of Bet and Gene. We even managed to get some missionary shopping done in between outings. It was nice to spend the time before he.... (sniff, sniff) leaves for Oklahoma. Thanks for coming Bud!
"The greater part of what my neighbors call good I believe in my soul to be bad, and if I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" ~Henry David Thoreau