Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Keys..better late than never!

Chip and I sporting the finest in K-mart fashion...after not getting our bags!

Boys and their toys.
Cap'n Tim

Just noticed that I missed some events! In May Tim and Jane treated us to a week in the Keys to celebrate monumental birthdays for Tim and Wick. So, Chip and I and Wick and Barb headed south for some sunshine. We gave the birthday boys remote control sailboats....which they seemed to competitively enjoy!

Happy New House Farley's!

Natalie and James just purchased their first home in Salt Lake. They are so excited! It's darling and I had the opportunity to fly to Utah and help them settle in. The most amusing part was the challenge of the stairs. There were (operative word being "were") some shelves above the stairs to the basement that hindered moving anything of size down the stairs. So, one by one, they were destroyed. But, alas, the queen box springs would still not fit. So James, being the innovator, figured out a way to "fold" the box springs. Voila! A bed for guests! Congratulations Nat and James!

Chip Jammin' in Park City

I just ran across this photo of Chip trying out Julia's pink guitar. He's singing "You are my sunshine". Kinda blurry.....but you get the general idea! :)