Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Invitation...

Came home today to a surprise in the invitation to the Inauguration! I can hardly wait....let's see, get a ball gown, call a limo service, get a room at the Washington Plaza, and party with my new friends Barack and Michelle! With about a zillion other people. (This doesn't set me apart from any of the other just looks cool!) Actually, the one who is REALLY cool is my nephew, Nicholas. He really IS going.....will have a reserved seat and everything! Lucky!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Essential Us

Was cleaning up Christmas (isn't that one of the lesser loved jobs?) and glanced up at this photo on the shelf -- it made me smile. It truly is essential us. We're on the green boat at one, if not THE, most favorite spot of ours.....Lake Powell. Carefree, (when the boat wasn't broken...yet even when it it was -- remember the Burr Trail?), warm, laughter, memories. I love my kids.