Friday, November 28, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Our Bear

A toast to the best darn dog in the whole darn world. You were more human than some humans. You smiled, comforted, played like crazy, and brought a smile to all with your highfalutin, feather-in-the-cap tail. We truly do love you and you are deeply missed.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Every now and then miracles...

I work at a school. Brown School. It's a middle school filled with awkward, lanky and charming fifth and sixth graders. A beautiful boy from Trinidad is my charge - an 11-year old who loves Shamu, Batman, and Scooby Doo. He's also autistic. He's smart, funny, clever, endearing, and completely inept socially. In science class today the students played microbe board games they had created. Fortunately my student was placed with two very, very nice boys. They quickly understood that he didn't quite understand how to play the game, nor did he know any of the answers. Rather than complain that the game had become a burden, they found that they could conjure a smile from my student by offering rather obvious clues to the answers -- so much so that the game ended with my student winning by a landslide. I guess some sixth graders get it. Maybe the future holds some promise. Jake and Kevin are my heroes today.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Zachary Visits Grandma!

Three Generations!

Just Admiring

Grandpa J. (Grappa) and Zach celebrating 3 months old!

Mr. Smiley Face

Mr. DeMille... I'm ready for my.... walk!

Bu-bu-bu-bubbly Bubbles

I love my momma!

Delightful. Charming. Exquisite. My grandson, Zachary. We spent the last four days oohing and ahhing in wonder as we chatted in baby-speak, scrubbed in baby bubbles, and cuddled in baby land. This grandparenting is something else indeed. Thanks Shell, for spending time with us and sharing your precious bundle of joy.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

E*Trade Baby

This just give me the giggles....have fun. That's what it's all about, right?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Why I (Don't) Vote

Bradford's New Band

Here's the album cover for Bradford's new band....

Best House Ever!

It seems we are geographically challenged when it comes to Halloween and trick-or-treaters. Not only are the houses spread out, but our driveway is so long you can't even see our house from the street....a real Halloween challenge. Last year perhaps 10 spooks and goblins rang our bell; we had to do better this year. So, we lined the driveway and sidewalk with Halloween luminarias and got really good treats -- glow-in-the-dark necklaces, paratroopers and tattoos! I think our numbers doubled this year, perhaps over 20 rang our bell. I knew we'd bumped it up a notch when I overhead one little StormTrooper as he walked away, "This was the best house!" Ahhh, success.